Friday, November 28, 2008

Before and After

This is a picture of Moonbeam's garden. She hauled the bricks,measured, stacked them,put down the paper, put down the hay, spread the dirt, picked which plants she wanted, planted, she covered them every time it was going to freeze. She even remembered to water every other day. I was so proud.

This is the same garden after the goats found it. One day and they completely destroyed all her hard work. Next time we will build a stronger fence.


Kara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kara said...

Oh, I am so sorry!!!

Now you know why we have an eight foot fence around our garden, to keep away the deer and obviously and wandering goats.

Blogger really needs to let you edit your post after you publish it. I posted and then read it and discover mistakes, so I had to delete it and retype. That's why there is one that "has been removed by the author."

Kara said...

I don't know why I don't see my typo's before I hit the "post" button.

It should read ANY wandering goats, not AND wandering goats.


Meg in Tally said...

This story is almost as sad as Kara's chickens getting killed. I bet she was soooo disappointed after all that hard work!

I guess its a life lesson...but it sure is sad.