Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wiping Wednesday

For my first ever Wiping Wednesday I am offering a few links that have worked for me. I hope these are useful to anyone looking to get their cleaning act together. I do not necessarily agree with everything on these web sites but their cleaning advice is top notch.;&version=50; The bible should always be the first place you go for all the learning you need to do. This is where I first learned about the Home management binder.
She has a few course to learn how it works - You can get on a free emailing list ( I do the digest ) to remind you what you are supposed to be cleaning that week. - I have read the book never spent much time on the website

I never advocate spending money on cleaning tips because there is so much free information on the web that I just don’t see the need to pay for it. If you have any web pages that have inspired you to get your cleaning act together please mention them in the comments. Don't spend to much time on the web today. Happy Cleaning!


Mamajil said...

Great Links!! Thanks for sharing them

Meg in Tally said...

Cleaning? Does that mean I have to get off the couch?