Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Farm life

(Imagine a picture of a chick and its momma)
One of our hens hatched a little tiny black chick. This is our second chick born on the farm. The first one was also black. They have different fathers so who knows why they are both black and not yellow. We have a hodgepodge of different kinds of chickens so there is no telling the breed. We are super blessed here to see our farm prosper. The chick will either save me $3.00 every dozen eggs or 1.29Lb depending on it's sex. Our chickens are free range so the cost of keeping them is pretty low. If you don't count me never being able to sleep in.
Yesterday we got our raised bed built for our fall garden. We have three different kinds of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
We are on our way to met up with some of our homeschool friends for a fall festival. So while most kids will spend the day inside their class, we will spend the day enjoying fellowship in the beauty of God's creation.


Meg in Tally said...

Ahhh...homeschooling, I miss it!

Kara said...

Congrats on the new chick! I'm still jealous.

We have peas and pumpkins in our garden. I think we need a little more variety. Maybe we'll grow some lettuce to go with our peas.

Anonymous said...

In order for that chick to hatch, his whole world had to crumble around him! Love you.